Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day Three: NFAF

Today we started in the water park with my kids at 10:00am. We had a blast it is really a nice water park and amusement park. If you are ever down this way it is worth checking out. It is called Carowinds. We left the park at noon to come back and eat lunch. We left here at 3:30 to take Dylan Harvey to the convention center for his rap solo. In the meantime Joy Mason called and she was somewhat frantic as she missed her connecting flight to here and was in Atlanta. She was due in here at 4:30. She ran around and made arrangements to be on another flight that was due in at 6:30. We were glad that she was able to do that, God worked it out for her. That doesn't mean that it wasn't stressful for her though, we are so thankful that she was willing to come and play for us!! What a blessing she and Dave are to this ministry and to our church. We arrived at the convention center and Dylan did his thing. He was amazing!! We thought that he really did a great job. Then I ran everybody back here to the camp to go back over to the park if they wanted to. I ran to the airport to get Joy and Alexis, and then brought them back here to check in to the hotel. It was a busy day! I am kinda glad that we didn't have a service tonight as it would have been impossible to get everything done.

We just learned a short time ago that Dylan got a superior rating and will not be chosen among the "Elite" rappers of the Assemblies of God. He did his best and that's what matters to God.

The choir is on at 2pm tomorrow! Pray that we are able to do our best for his kingdom!!

Pastor Carl
Charlotte, NC

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