Friday, May 29, 2009

Church Pastor's Bible Study Shut Down!

When I saw this story I couldn't believe it! Check out this video and wonder about our country and it's values! I am shocked and very nervous, I didn't think that I would see this in my lifetime!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Open Handed Leadership

I have lived this concept for many years and have really seen this modeled by my mentors. The idea of leading with an opened hand is an amazing concept that I learned early on in ministry.

First, let me explain what I mean. We have all heard of "leading with an Iron Fist", well, this concept is the exact opposite of that. Where we often run in to difficulties in ministry is when we jump to conclusions or make a quick tempered decisions. I really try hard not to respond when someone is harsh or brash towards me, my ministry, or even my family. It is often their own struggles or insecurities coming out through their actions. God deals with everyone on His/Her own level. Quite often struggles and conflict work themselves out without any kind of help/hindrance from me.

Now, let me explain that there are definite lines that cannot be crossed with this leadership style. We cannot allow people to walk all over us as push-overs. These people must be dealt with or the ministry vision will not move forward. This is vital to understand. Even Jesus turned over the table in the temple courts, and fussed at his disciples when they fell asleep!

We must be cautious leaders, not paranoid, conflict hungry lions! We can self and ministry destruct in just a few short months if we lead in this way. There are some predators out there, the Bible is clear about that, but in our churches the vast majority want to see the Great Commission fulfilled!

The next time that you are in conflict and ready to jump down someone's throat take your pointed finger and turn your hand over and look at your palms. No scars? Jesus took the nails for us... those scars are the reason that we are in the position that we are in! Lead with an opened hand, Jesus willingly obtained those scars for you and for me!

Just some thoughts from a YP!

Pastor Carl

Sunday, May 3, 2009

God’s Chisel

This is a link to a great video drama of two men speaking of how God wants us to change!  It is a great dramatization of His love for us and how we often miss out on what He has for us because of our insecurities.  It really made me think! You may need to be a member of facebook as it is a facebook video! 

“God’s Chisel”


Pastor Carl