Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Learned Something Today!

So often we get caught up in the business of our days and sometimes we forget that we are real people in a real world, who are trying to do our best.

This morning as I was driving my daughters to school we paused, as we do everyday, to ask God to help us through our day and to pray for protection. As Abby was praying I felt something on my shoulder. As I drove on I looked down to see Megan's hand (my youngest daughter) on mine and Abby's shoulders. She was agreeing with Abby in prayer by simply whispering a prayer of her own as her big sis prayed. I was taken back that she would lay her hands on us as we prayed together.
This moment in time made me think about our lives. We often over think our "prayer life" and the ways that we communicate with our God. You see, I don't think He cares to see us praying in public or for any kind of performance. He wants to see our hearts in our words and our actions. We don't need to dramatize our prayers to get through to our Creator. He looks into our very souls when we communicate with Him. He knows when we are being real and when some are just showing off their educated words or actions. When my daughter touched me this morning I was a little shaken, because I had been taking these prayer times a little too lightly. We were talking to God and He was listening to us. I learned (from my 6yr. old) that it doesn't matter if we are driving down the street in the car or eating dinner or even just hanging out, God is concerned about us and we need to communicate with Him. We need to share everything with Him and never take Him for granted.

Luke 18:16-17
But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Just something to think on...

Pastor Carl

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