So with President elect Barack Obama waiting in the wings, assembling his cabinet and moving his personal items into one of the most historic buildings in America, what is next for us Christian Americans?? We must not lose our focus as Christians. This is the primary truth that we must remember even if we were receiving the greatest Christian man or woman into the most powerful role in the world. We would not discontinue prayer for this person as we should not fail to pray for President Obama. We all find things to complain about, we all have issues, and we are all different in how we deal with things. Remember this country through the Clinton years. We impeached this president and yet our country remained strong. We went through 8 years with G.W. Bush who had some interesting ideas but was strong with the things he believed in including war! All of this talk about Obama being the anti-christ seems pretty unfounded to me! I highly doubt that this person would arise out of such a high role as the president of the United States.
I guess what I am saying is that OUR Country needs us Christians. This is our country!! I trust that you did your part to vote. Now our part is to support in whatever ways we can. We can all pray, and that is fundamental, but we must be reminded of this. We can all access our congressmen and women. They need to hear our voices. Call them and e-mail them, they listen to our voice. Be encouraging to them, do your part.
This is a new time in American History, we must bind together and we must be strong. Our strength will be powerful in numbers. The worst thing that we could do is live in discouragement and hide our faces because we didn't get what we wanted. That would be a shame. This is America, the Greatest Country in the world.... God Bless this land!!!
Watch this video from our General Superintendent Dr. George Wood
Pastor Carl
2 years ago
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