Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Day After...

Yesterday was a great day to serve our God! We had our first annual gospelfest at a local elementary school. All was going great until... we looked at the radar map! Large clouds filled with rain and lightning were coming straight at us! We gathered the missions team together to pray and with their faith God held off the rain until 8:40pm. We started at 7 and had a great time. We had food, t-shirt sales, and lots of other stuff to buy! Our students worked hard and in the end we only had just a spritz of rain, even throughout the clean-up time! Finally hit my bed around 12:20 for what seemed like a short nap only to be back getting ready for Sunday morning worship. All in all a great day and a good time was had by all who attended!

Vacation this coming week!! We are wore out!!



Friday, June 20, 2008

Traveling Chaos

Ok, just a short blurb this morning as there is much to do for our upcoming gospelfest. Whenever there is chaos in our lives God gives His ever present help and stability. I love when He comes through for us, it somehow always shocks me like I didn't realize that He was still in control. I can think of many instances when God did something awesome in my life and I was shocked and amazed by His providence! Why, shouldn't I be expecting it? What a goof I am sometimes, I am so thankful that I serve a God who is absolutely alive and well and who is concerned about my needs and desires. Go God do it again, not just in my life but in others around me! Amaze me again! I love it! I love Him!
Thanks for Reading,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New to Blogging!!

This is just my fist real attempt at blogging, so take it as you will. I am really getting excited about this "new" adventure for myself, and really unsure about where this will really land me according to society's standards. But I do know that as I write this my fame will be reached quickly by those who read and soak in the infinite wisdom that shall come forth according to the purposes that God has in store!! Sorry a little KJV slipped out of me!! Anyway, have fun reading and I'm sure that there will be some serious stuff... maybe!! Blessings! PC